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  • Writer's picturePara Ti Global Foundation

Para Ti Global is Featured in the Catholic Herald

Updated: Nov 23, 2021

Para Ti Global is featured as the cover story in the November-December 2021 Issue of the Catholic Herald.

Para Ti Global would like to thank the Catholic Herald of Sacramento, CA, USA for its kind article, the Most Reverend Bishop Jaime Soto of Sacramento for publishing, and all PTG donors within the diocese for their support.

Co-Founders Sophia R. Anderson and Luke T. Anderson say,"We are so humbled and beyond grateful to be featured in the latest edition of the Catholic Herald of the Sacramento Dioceses. To learn more about Para Ti Global’s inception and how our mission coincides with our faith, feel free to read the article linked below."

An excerpt of the article quotes Co-Founder and CEO Sophia R. Anderson, "'I didn't envision at all what PTG has become, but I'm excited to see where we are going," Pia says. "We will continue to emphasize inclusivity, diversity and the granting of opportunity, underlying values so that anyone anywhere can have the opportunity to improve their own conditions.'"

To read the entire magazine/article online visit this link:

To read just the article online visit this link:

To subscribe to the Catholic Herald or learn more about it, visit this link:

Note: PTG is not a religious nonprofit though its volunteers/team may be.


A couple pages of the article, please visit the Catholic Herald website for the entire article.



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