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Get Involved

You can help us work toward our mission in many ways.


Donations go toward providing food, clothing, and school supplies to impoverished children worldwide. Click the button below to donate to one of our current projects or toward the Para Ti Global General Fund. Any amount is greatly appreciated and will be put toward the betterment of society.



Para Ti Global is in need of volunteers for both fundraising, hosting feedings, and collecting donations. We have around 100 consistent volunteers, but are constantly trying to grow this number! Since our projects vary every year as we try to better our practices, we ask prospective volunteers to fill out the form below so that we can contact them if we need extra volunteers


A sponsor can provide monetary donations for food, school supplies, and clothing. If you are interested in sponsoring or supporting a child, please contact us right away by using the form below.

Volunteering or Sponsoring Form
If you are interested in volunteering please fill out this form and we will contact you for any upcoming projects you may be able to help with.
If you are interested in sponsoring a child please fill out this form and we will contact you.
Select an option

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Volunteering or Sponsoring For
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